Apply Now for the Lone Star (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated
Leadership and STEAM scholarships

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria and Application

Application deadline March 31, 2025 (late applications will not be accepted)

The LeRoy Savage, Jr. STEAM Scholarship will be awarded to one student each academic year. The 2025 scholarship is valued up to $2,000. The recipient will be awarded a one year – two (2) consecutive semesters (Fall & Spring) scholarship.  The scholarship recipient will be notified in writing no later than April 5, 2025.

The recipient will be selected based on the following preferred criteria:

An Essay must also be submitted (see attached guidelines in “To Apply” Step 2).

** This critieria may be used in a tie-breaker.

Immediate family members of the Links, Incorporated are not eligible to apply.

Payment of Scholarship

To Apply:

Immediate family members of the Links, Incorporated are not eligible to apply.

IMPORTANT: The scholarship recipient will be notified by April 5, 2025.  They will be asked to provide an individual photo and participate in photographs with The Lone Star (TX) Chapter members for publicity.

Scholarship applications must be COMPLETED and SUBMITTED ONLINE at Lone Star Chapter Scholarship.: